The following story may or may not have actually happened. It is intended for fun. All participants are over 18 years of age and are consenting adults. Before anyone starts complaining about the rules of 8 ball, there are the IPA rules and the rules defined for the game in this story. In general, the person who owns the table makes the rules, so if they don’t match the IPA rules, which they don’t, get over it. I hope you enjoy the story.
I like playing pool. I’m good at it. Not professional level good but good enough to win my date money in college by hustling the Freshmen and Sophomores. When I got out and the ranch turned that corner into one that really makes some money one of the first things, I bought was a nice pool table. It’s a custom-built table made with a grey oak finish with tournament blue felt and polished brass accents around the table. The one thing that bothered me about it was after about 3 years, it started going out of level, and there just didn’t seem to be anything I could do to stop it.
About once a quarter the ball would start drifting to one side or the other. I tried re-leveling it myself but within a few months it would be out of balance again. I finally had Greg from the local pool store come out and balance it for me. Granted, that was about $250 a visit, but I thought it was worth it. They swore that the table was fine and that someone must be jumping on the table or something to make it go out of balance. Ever since I first got the table, I stressed to everyone that they cannot get on the pool table. So, no one should be on that table. But still about once a quarter Greg would be back out here. Greg finally retired and they have been sending a new kid Jimmy out here lately. Jimmy seems to know his stuff but he’s young, very quiet and more than a little intimidated by me. I could go on and on about pool but that’s not what’s important about this.
One day in June I think, I called Jimmy out to fix the table again. He got here and rang the doorbell around two that afternoon. Carla, Sara’s youngest sister answered. She had lost her job in Louisville. Apparently breaking up with your boss because he’s an asshole isn’t good for your career. Sara said she could stay with us. So, she moved in around mid-April. She got a job teaching journalism at the local community college until she found something better.
I was in back yard cleaning up the pool or something. We had a bad storm the night before and there were more leaves in the pool than on the trees. So, I was helping the skimmer get the pool clean.
Carla came out and yelled “Jimmy’s here”.
I hollered back “he knows where the table is, just tell him to let me know how much the charge is when he’s done.”
I went back to work on the swimming pool and Carla escorted Jimmy to the pool room. Jimmy is maybe 2 years younger than Carla, so around nineteen I guess. They were both sneaking glances at each other, so Carla stayed around to flirt and Jimmy responded by coming out of his shell a little and actually talking.
Jimmy started talking about pool tables, why it’s so important to keep them level, etc., etc. He really didn’t need to; Carla’s dad had been taking the girls to pool halls since she was in diapers. She was actually probably better than me but don’t tell her I said that. She sat there politely and listened asking stupid questions on occasion just to setup the hustle she was already planning to run.
Look at this Jimmy said. This table is out on both axes.
Someone must be sitting on this table. He continued complaining about people mis-treating their pool tables. About then Mary came walking in just in time to hear another rant about people sitting on pool tables. Carla and Mary both sat there, exchanging glances that let each other know that the game was on, and listened for a few more minutes till he was done. That’s when he made his big mistake.
Jimmy asked “do yall want to play a game to test it out”.
Carla looked on confused and said, you may have to teach us.
“Sure. “Jimmy said smiling from ear to ear.
Jimmy setup everything explaining while he went along. He really did know a lot about pool and as they played Carla and Mary let Jimmy teach then as they went. He was all over them with his hands around them and rubbing his cock against their asses. At the end of the game, Jimmy had helped Carla and Mary win by one ball.
Carla said “I won!! I like this can we play another game”.
Jimmy was all for that of course so he was more than happy to agree. That’s when Mary spoke up. Mary wasn’t quite as good as Carla, but she could most definitely hold her own.
“Let’s make this interesting” Mary said.
Jimmy looked on puzzled. “How?” he asked. He really didn’t want to take the girls money.
“Let’s play Strip Pool for the bill,” said Mary.
“Huh” said Jimmy,
His mind had stopped when he heard Strip Pool and nothing else the girls said registered.
Mary Explained, “It’s like 8 ball, but you cannot run the table. If you go first and make all eve gelen gaziantep escort your shots, you have to let us have one shoot before you go after the 8 ball. Second. For every shot the shooter misses, their team loses a piece of clothing.”
Jimmy was hooked. He loved this idea. He had seen these girls play and they couldn’t hit a shot if they tried, much less call one.
Mary Continued, “If the shooter scratches the shooters team loses two pieces of clothing and if the shooter sinks the 8 ball out of turn, the shooters team strips, and the 8 ball goes back on the foot line as close to the foot spot as possible and the cue ball goes back on the head string. If you are naked and do something that required loss of a piece of clothing, you have to do what we say and vice versa.”
Jimmy half heard the rules. He was just thinking about seeing the girls naked. It didn’t even occur to him that he was being setup. Not even when Mary was calling points on the table by their correct name. He was still just stuck on seeing the girls strip.
“Ok?” Mary asked,
“Sure” said Jimmy.
“Then rack’em up”, said Mary.
Jimmy collected the balls and racked them up.
“You can break”, said Mary, “it’s so hard to do. “
Jimmy took aim and hit. It was probably still the thought of seeing the girls naked that had him flustered, but he hit off the right side and hardly broke anything. Jimmy hung his head.
“That will be one piece of clothing”, Mary giggled.
Jimmy looked shocked and took off his shoes. This wasn’t going to go any further he thought. Mary took her shot and did what Jimmy should have done and moved the balls around the table. But nothing went in. Jimmy smiled. Both girls took off their shirts. Jimmy’s mouth hit the ground. Here were two gorgeous women topless in front of him. He didn’t say a word or move while he stared in awe that the two women’s breasts. Mary with her long brown hair and D cup breasts with her nipples hard sticking out straight at him. And Carla with her long black hair and ample C cups. He had no idea how long he stood there staring at the girls before one of the girls waved her hand to get his attention.
“Are you gonna shoot or just stare at us all afternoon” asked Carla.
Jimmy snapped back to reality. He lined up his shot and suddenly saw Mary’s boobs behind his shot and clipped the Cueball off to the right missing his shot completely. He hung his head, and off came his socks. The girls laughed.
“He has more clothes on than we do”, said Carla, “is that fair?”
Jimmy realized; he was going to have to concentrate to win this. He couldn’t let those two pairs of boobs distract him. But what a couple of set of boobs he thought.
Now, it was Carla’s turn. She called her shot and down went the 3 followed by the 6, 4, 5 and 2. Then she missed her shot on the 7.
“Well, you gotta lose a piece of clothing now.” Jimmy said with a mix of excitement and panic in his voice.
Jimmy was sweating at being behind but drooling at the thought of something else coming off the girls at the same time.
The girls dropped the shorts they were wearing. There were these two girls in just their panties and their sandals. Mary had on a cute pair of pink panties, while Carla had on a thong that might as well have not been there at all. As Jimmy was lining up his shot, Carla moved directly into his line of site. He saw a tattoo she had recently gotten just below her bikini line. It said in beautiful script “Deliveries in rear”. Jimmy just about completely missed the cue ball off the top. And sent it straight into the side pocket.
Mary smiled, looked up and said, “Oh, tough luck, scratch, what’s it gonna be now? That’s two pieces you owe us. “
About now Jimmy realized he had been setup. But being a good sport and honestly wanting to see what would happen when the girls lost their next shot Jimmy took off his shirt and a watch he was wearing. All he had left was his pants and underwear. Jimmy wasn’t extremely muscular to look at but was trim and had the slight outline of a six pack which made both Mary and Carla happy.
“Funny.” Mary said, looking at the watch.
Mary immediately sank the 1, and 7 leaving Jimmy dirty behind the 8 ball.
“Your turn Jimmy.”, taunted Carla.
Jimmy didn’t have a shot. All he could do was shoot and hope the 8 ball didn’t go in. Maybe if he just hit it softly. He pulled back to shoot. That’s when he got a good look at Carla’s Stick. It looked like a normal stick, but the grip end was shaped like a man’s penis, and she was rubbing it between her legs like a dildo. At the sight of that jimmy shot and the 8 ball went straight into the corner pocket.
Laughing the girls said in unison, “Time to strip Jimmy. “
Jimmy was red with embarrassment. He looked for someplace to hide but then decided that fair is fair, so he stripped the rest of the way down. Both girls smiled at the sight of Jimmy’s erect penis as it sprang out from gaziantep eve gelen escort his underwear. It wasn’t particularly long, but what it lacked in length it made up in girth. As Carla described later to me, it wasn’t so big as to be dangerous, but it definitely filled them up. Mary looked at Carla and they both giggled anticipating what they were going to do with that nice hard fat dick.
Carla picked up the 8 ball and put it back in play. She missed it on purpose but again leaving Jimmy dirty behind the 8 ball with no shot.
She missed, thought Jimmy, that meant a piece of clothing.
The girls then kicked off their sandals. Jimmy lined up his shot and ran the 11, 9 and 12 before he missed. So, he was still alive. But then he realized what was going on, he had a penalty for missing and no clothes to pay for it with. The girls turned to each other and started whispering.
Mary looked at Jimmy and said, “come over here and let Carla suck your dick till your next turn.”
Jimmy almost jumped across the table. Carla got down on her knees and looked at Jimmy’s dick. Thick is good, she thought, especially up the ass. She started softly blowing air on his dick to watch it twitch and watched a small blob of pre-cum appear at the top when she heard crack.
“Hey, I didn’t get any.” said Carla and Jimmy at almost the same time.
“You took too long looking at it and I got bored.” Said Mary
Mary had shot and missed again. Carla quickly licked the pre-cum off of Jimmy’s dick, stood up, turned around and walked away letting her panties slide down showing her ass with a big arrow above it pointing down. Jimmy was a mess now. He was naked, in the room with two beautiful naked women and had almost gotten the blow job of his life. He was completely hopeless. He got up took a shot, he managed to sink the 13 and then scratched on the next shot.
Carla just laughed.
“Jimmy, I think you must be hungry, and I think Mary has something for you to eat.” Said Carla
Jimmy went across the room and followed Mary’s directions. He laid down on the floor. Mary then sat down on his face and told him to eat up. Jimmy wrapped his arms around Mary’s lap and started kissing her pussy lips. He slid his tongue up and down and around, carefully avoiding her clit. Slowly he used his tongue to open her crack and worked his way up to her clit. As he touched her clit with his tongue, he could hear her gasp. As he licked, sucked and nibbled on her clit, Mary started to grind her pussy onto his face.
While this was going on, Carla was just standing there watching using her pool cue to good advantage. After a couple of minutes,
Mary looked over at Carla and said, “put him out of his misery before he gets to order us around.”
Carla looked back over at the table took aim and called and sank the 8 ball in the side pocket. Carla put down her que stick covered up the pool table and walked over to where jimmy was laying on the floor. She started blowing his cock again and watched it quiver. Then she was on it. She took his cock all the way in her mouth and started sucking it deep. You’ve heard the saying that “she can suck the chrome off a trailer hitch”, well that’s Carla. Jimmy not so much blew his first load into her mouth as she extracted it from his balls.
“Don’t use him up” Mary exclaimed, “I need someone to fuck me,” said Mary.
Amazingly enough, Jimmy didn’t go limp, he just picked her up and she bent over the first thing around, the pool table.
“Slowly, slowly”, Mary said to Jimmy. “I’m not used to that big thing of yours.”
Jimmy brought his dick up between Mary’s legs and let her lead his dick around doing what she wanted it to do. She led his dick to her pussy and decided how deep he should go. Mary had taken some large cocks in her time, but this one was one of the biggest. She made him go slow, just a little at a time slowly widening out her tight pussy. Then she took him the rest of the way in. He started working in and out, slowly at first, then faster and harder.
Mary was really starting to enjoy this when Carla said, “ok, it’s my turn now. “
Carla and Mary switched places. Jimmy started over doing exactly what Mary had taught him.
But quickly Carla reached down, grabbed his dick, and said, “not there”. She moved his dick about two inches higher to her ass hole and said “There, fuck my ass”.
Jimmy almost came with just those three words. He started his routine again. He went down and started licking her pussy and worked his way up to her ass making sure to lube it up well.
While he was doing that Carla pulled Mary who was busily working on herself over to her and started eating her. Jimmy stood up and positioned his dick head at Carla’s ass hole and pushed.
Carla let out a short scream as his head penetrated her ass. He stopped quickly. In a lustful yet painful voice she told him to keep going. He pushed his way on as she moaned into Mary’s pussy. Jimmy started sliding gaziantep eve gelen escort bayan in and out occasionally pulling all the way out so give Carla the sensation of him re-entering her again.
This went on for a couple of minutes till Jimmy was about to blow. Then Carla climbed up on the table and knelt by Mary. Jimmy without thinking climbed up and stood up on the pool table. The girls grabbed his dick and took turns sucking on it and licking it and softly sucking on his balls. Finally, when Jimmy couldn’t take it anymore, he grunted loudly and blew his second load of the day all over the girls. Jimmy collapsed on the table with the girls. The girls laid down in his arms one on each shoulder, slowly and softly playing with his cock.
That’s when I came around the corner. No one noticed me until I coughed.
“Well, I guess that’s why the table’s never level”. I grumbled.
Jimmy, hearing my voice, snapped back to reality. He sat up immediately, realizing where he was. He tried to get off the table but ended up flat on the floor.
“Is that how Greg taught you to level a table” I growled, having fun with the poor boy now.
“No sir… Yes sir, I mean No sir.” Stammered Jimmy. “I’ll check it right now he continued.”
“And he lost so it’s all free” said Mary, as she and Carla picked up their clothes, gave me a kiss on each cheek and skipped out of the room.
I haven’t had to call Jimmy to re-level the pool table since then. He comes out to check it about once a month and refuses to give me a bill. I wonder why.
The following story may or may not have actually happened. It is intended for fun. All participants are over 18 years of age and are consenting adults. Before anyone starts complaining about the rules of 8 ball, there are the IPA rules and the rules defined for the game in this story. In general, the person who owns the table makes the rules, so if they don’t match the IPA rules, which they don’t, get over it. I hope you enjoy the story.
I like playing pool. I’m good at it. Not professional level good but good enough to win my date money in college by hustling the Freshmen and Sophomores. When I got out and the ranch turned that corner into one that really makes some money one of the first things, I bought was a nice pool table. It’s a custom-built table made with a grey oak finish with tournament blue felt and polished brass accents around the table. The one thing that bothered me about it was after about 3 years, it started going out of level, and there just didn’t seem to be anything I could do to stop it.
About once a quarter the ball would start drifting to one side or the other. I tried re-leveling it myself but within a few months it would be out of balance again. I finally had Greg from the local pool store come out and balance it for me. Granted, that was about $250 a visit, but I thought it was worth it. They swore that the table was fine and that someone must be jumping on the table or something to make it go out of balance. Ever since I first got the table, I stressed to everyone that they cannot get on the pool table. So, no one should be on that table. But still about once a quarter Greg would be back out here. Greg finally retired and they have been sending a new kid Jimmy out here lately. Jimmy seems to know his stuff but he’s young, very quiet and more than a little intimidated by me. I could go on and on about pool but that’s not what’s important about this.
One day in June I think, I called Jimmy out to fix the table again. He got here and rang the doorbell around two that afternoon. Carla, Sara’s youngest sister answered. She had lost her job in Louisville. Apparently breaking up with your boss because he’s an asshole isn’t good for your career. Sara said she could stay with us. So, she moved in around mid-April. She got a job teaching journalism at the local community college until she found something better.
I was in back yard cleaning up the pool or something. We had a bad storm the night before and there were more leaves in the pool than on the trees. So, I was helping the skimmer get the pool clean.
Carla came out and yelled “Jimmy’s here”.
I hollered back “he knows where the table is, just tell him to let me know how much the charge is when he’s done.”
I went back to work on the swimming pool and Carla escorted Jimmy to the pool room. Jimmy is maybe 2 years younger than Carla, so around nineteen I guess. They were both sneaking glances at each other, so Carla stayed around to flirt and Jimmy responded by coming out of his shell a little and actually talking.
Jimmy started talking about pool tables, why it’s so important to keep them level, etc., etc. He really didn’t need to; Carla’s dad had been taking the girls to pool halls since she was in diapers. She was actually probably better than me but don’t tell her I said that. She sat there politely and listened asking stupid questions on occasion just to setup the hustle she was already planning to run.
Look at this Jimmy said. This table is out on both axes.
Someone must be sitting on this table. He continued complaining about people mis-treating their pool tables. About then Mary came walking in just in time to hear another rant about people sitting on pool tables. Carla and Mary both sat there, exchanging glances that let each other know that the game was on, and listened for a few more minutes till he was done. That’s when he made his big mistake.