Fun in the Towel Rm.As I have written before I started enjoying cock at a young age first sucking a neighbor Chris while in Jr. High. I was the towel boy for my gym class which allowed me to go in early to get all the towels ready. Well Chris was in my gym class I asked the coach if he could help me so we both went didim escort in the shower room together we were alone everybody else was still outside on the playground I got down on my knees and started sucking Chris’s cock it didn’t take much for him to get a hard-on we went into the towel room and closed didim escort bayan the door it was a dutch door the top would open while the bottom part of the door would remained closed it has a shelve on it so I bent over leaning on the shelve while Chris came up behind me and shoved his hard cock deep up escort didim my ass. Fucking me hard and deep which is the way I love being fucked it didn’t take him long to cum squirting his load deep in my ass. We played a couple more times in the towel room that year in gym class the best thing was I was able to feel his cum inside me for the rest of the day and when I would get home from school I would stick my finger up my ass and have Chris’s load on my finger which I would sniff and then lick clean.I do luv cum. Another true story. Firstrandy