Anne was my slut


Anne was my slutChapter 2 Broke the Ice, were it leads….Into there game a few kinky dares, were done a few truths told. Alan asks the group shall we move on and call this games quits. Yeah babe Micha agrees and Brandon suggests going inside to cool down. In side we go after I help ya put these chairs back, ill meet ya inside , ok daddy micha says as she closes the door. So b*o how amazing was that? Brandon had a huge smile and said it was chill, what now, Alan told him to hold on as they worked a deal. Ill take it further to the next base between you two if it counts as your b-day present, and you supply the smoke and drinks, gotta a deal? Yup Brandon replied.We go inside and Al mentions the pool and also tells Brandon that he can get Micha to go swimming in her panties/bra, maybe topples! Alan goes and asks Micha baby wanna go swimming, sounds good too bad I have nothing to wear, um, we can work out some thing, come here micha asks Alan. Al and micha darıca escort meet and discuss there next move, Alan asks her if she want to go in her panties and tease /turn him on threw that? NO, I don’t wanna waste this pair of undies, I got it micha gets excited ask him for his moms/sisters bikini cause I am most likely skinnier so it will fall off and be sexier, good idea love. Alan go to ask Brandon, he returns with a normal black bikini, Alan jokingly thanks Brandon for bring a discreet one and not so sexy far out bikini.Brandon hands her the bikini and leaves the door a nice 18 inches open as he leaves her, Micha ignores the obvious open door and begins to changes Brandon gets alans attention and points her out as she drops her cloths to the floor becoming absolutely naked before she puts on a single item even before she straightens and aligns the suit. Sweet The guys agree as they scoop out Micha and her fully bare body not even a hair lays escort darıca under her neck….Brandon asks Alan if its nice to view her and not show her as well, so they planned the timing right so when micha was done she walked out and both the guys were changing Alan was in boxers no shirt as Brandon was shirt no bottoms, she walked in “what took ya guys so long to change and what excited him, she point not towards Alan, looking down at what she was pointing out was Brandon with his cock ¾ erect, “did Alan do all that to you B?” Brandon tried to play it off as if he was always that hung/stiff. As they walk out to the communities pool, B asks M how does the bikini fit? Good she answers than switches to well, its a size or two larger than I wear but it will do fine thanks. Laying out there towels both b and a try laying out near m, but she asks for some space so she can get an even tan. She lays out as b and a jump in and begin foul playing around. darıca escort bayan A few minutes pass and b and a are tiering out so they just float around, they get out to smoke a bit. Walking towards m a can see bits of her skin that should be covered, should as in normal, but today was no normal day.Sup, wanna take a break and smoke on this with us? Sure m moves into a sit up stance crossing one leg in and extending the other out. Moving causes her left lip to pop out her bottoms, surprising a he comments to her to sit more appropriate neighbors can see, “ oh I’m so sorry b, wan its super cool he replied. M asks a and b to do her a favor and excuse her and her exposed parts, she explains its not her fault the bottoms are to big. A and B said she is forgiven and not to worry about them getting mad/worried about any flesh that shows. They’ll be gentlemen and keep any comments quite and not try to gawk. Smoking on B’s glass bubbler, they pass it around and around, after there session is done, a gets up kisses m and asks b to come back swimming he said there is a problem, a asks whats wrong and b embarrassing jokes referencing his cock to be hard and he cant stand till it settles.

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